The project is located on one of the most frequented streets within Vienna, The GURTEL. This Street always has been an important axis. The whole street is about 14 km long. Because of the incredible traffic increase throughout the last century the surrounding built-up areas are worn down. Many of the old stores were closed. Right now it’s neither fashionable to live or to run an office in this area. Nevertheless the city of Vienna together with the EU started a project to redevelop this area. The spaces under the subway were turned into various localities with a cultural attempt. Now these locals have already turned this former empty area into a vivid young cultural center. However the Built-up areas along the GURTEL are not part of this “new entity”. My suggestion is to regard the built-up areas along the GURTEL as one whole. Like in our project there is quite often a high potential behind the surface. | suggest to change the point of view, that the various built-up areas along the GURTEL is an accumulation of worn down houses, however referring to the visions of Collins the built-up areas are part of a long linear city; it’s actually a huge building; it is THE HORIZONTAL SKYSCRAPER It is impossible to turn the flats into a worth living surrounding, however this area has a high potential to turn into an incredible office structure with high living standard on top. The structure is embedded into a perfect infrastructure in the whole length. The two major railway stations of Vienna are situated along the structure. A subway (most parts are located above ground) many trams and buses do exist within this structure. No one has to use a car to reach any point of the structure. The structure leads through different areas. One block behind this structure you may find all different quarters. The diplomatic district, the Yuppies as well as the Turkish quarter.